REHIS Food Hygiene - Elementary, Intermediate and Diploma in Advanced Food Hygiene, Do your staff understand the implications of not following the rules regarding food hygiene and how they could be the source of food poisoning? Courses can be delivered in-house, attending one of our public courses or through E-Learning depending on your preference. REHIS Diploma in Advanced Food Hygiene is a 5 day course for companies wishing to take their Food Hygiene Training in house, Production Managers, Auditors, Technical Assistants. When delivering this course we have access to Microbiologists and Environmental Health officers who can share best practice and engage the audience in making the subject area interesting.
REHIS Allergy Awareness Course - This course enables learners to know about food allergies, intolerances and Coeliac disease, as well as related conditions eg asthma, eczema. Learners will learn how to identify food allergens as ingredients and control possible cross contamination, how to manage allergens in and around the work environment and how to manage the symptoms.
REHIS HACCP – Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Certificates in HACCP
BRC Audit, SALSA Audit, Animal Feed Audits coming up? Ensure your HACCP Team are fully competent in the Principles of HACCP and that your pre-requisite programme is enabling your business to focus on the Critical Control Points.
More and more auditors are looking for your Quality Assurance Team and HACCP team to have more formalised HACCP Training. By offering HACCP Practices courses, DM Training can enable your HACCP team to get together and discuss your HACCP and raise awareness for your business.
Since 2011 we have successfully represented many of the manufacturing businesses in the North East with their HACCP training and have facilitated many HACCP Teams to ensure they have a system that will satisfy auditors and ensure a safe product entering the market place. From 2019 we now are approved through REHIS to offer the Advanced Certificate in HACCP which is the equivalent of Level 4.
We have delivered the training in house for businesses or you can attend public courses to enable discussion between different types of business.
Did you know?
We also deliver Management Workshops to help support your team, these are 2 hour workshops covering various Management topics including communication, time management, delegation and motivation. We can tailor these to meet specific needs of your business.
Why not build on the management team and offer them a career in management? SVQ’s (Scottish Vocational Qualifications are available in Management at level 3, 4 and 5.) These are equivalent of a Degree or Masters Degree in Management and a great way to focus and develop your organisation.
WorldHost Principles of Customer Service provides your customer facing staff with the tools and tips on how to engage with your customers; how to understand the importance of first impression; how can you communicate with your customers. What message does your staff say to customers about the business they work in?
WorldHost is recognised as the leader Customer Service Course. By having this fully engaged programme implemented within your organisation, the programme empowers your workforce to realise their potential and make customer service effective.
These programmes can be tailored to suit your business requirements.
Modern Apprenticeships
Modern Apprenticeships are supported by Skills Development
Scotland and are a fantastic way of developing your team. Funding is available at different age categories and the funding helps to support individuals through the full Modern Apprenticeship. The Apprentices are available at level 2 and level 3 depending on your existing skills set and experience to date. Candidates have to complete an SVQ at the appropriate level and also some additional training may be required, for example, REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene.
Upon completion of the programme candidates will receive their SVQ Certificate and the Modern Apprenticeship Certificate.
DM Training offers SVQ’s in Professional Cookery, Housekeeping, Front of House Reception, Food and Drink Service at Level 2. Professional Cookery and Hospitality Supervision and Leadership are available at Level 3.